Sunday, June 24, 2007

Never Enough Time in a Day

Classic, isn't it? Why is there never enough hours in a day to do everything I want done? I realised I have tons of photos but I've only completed 7 pages in my scrapbook! Started last year, trying to document my favourite pics of the European cities which I have visited over 2003-2006. Well, like I said, I've only done 7 pages. Sad! There's so much memories in my head and to scrapbook them would be a nice way to remember, as the capacity in my head needs to make way for newer impressions in life. I shall have to get onto it. Of the 3 years spent in Amsterdam, I've only done 2 pages. Lots more to tell... visits to various places in Netherlands, Ghent, Brugges, Antwerp, Athens, Corinth, South Wales, Edinburgh, Zurich, Vienna, Budapest, Copenhagen and Paris. Maybe I've seen more of Europe than Asia where I live!

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