Monday, June 26, 2017

Unity cards, June 2017

Hi Everyone! Hope you are having a great week!

I thought it would be nice to share the Unity cards I made this month which are not yet published on my blog.

These cards are for the most recent Unity release over the weekend, featuring my favourite Unity artist, Phyllis Harris.  Click here to see all the new releases or here.

This mermaid card was created for Unity's blogpost on 20th June.  I used the sweet kit by Susan K Weckesser, Spirit of a Mermaid.

Hope you like the cards above.

Thank you for visiting me.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Unity Hop {7 June 2017}

Hello and welcome to a new Unity release.  I love the new Unity subscription kit - Uniquely Unity Collection.  This is the first kit released - A Daisy and A Lady.

I made 2 cards which are similar.  The huge daisy is so easy to colour and I did some stenciling work in the background.

Next is a new kit Glowing and Beautiful, don't you just love those cute light bulbs?

Here is a card made using this month's KOTM - Time to enjoy Life.

I love how bright these fruits are and they are so fun to colour. KOTM is always my fave subscription kit.  This month's is once again packed with lots of fabulous stamps.

Lastly, here is another new kit released Hello Little Birdie.

A closer look, can you see the shimmer on the card?

Phew, that was a long post.  Hope you like the new new releases.  Please click to the Unity shop to get your favourite kits.

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I would love to hear what you think so please leave a comment and you will go into the draw to win a Unity filled prize package - there are 2 packages to be won.

Have a great day!

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